Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Merry Christmas and Some Happy BIG News

I am so sorry for my absence these past few weeks from the blogging world, but let's be honest, the Holidays are busy, crazy, and about ten more 'busies and crazies'! 

Our Christmas was WONDERFUL!  After wonderful Christmas Eve and Day services at church, Jeff and I (with animals in tow) headed to Dallas where we enjoyed wonderful time with Jeff's family and a delicious Christmas feast prepared by Jeff's mom, Brenda.  It was fabulous!! The next day, I flew out to Nebraska and spent a whole week with my family.  It was so great to see them! I am so blessed to have amazing siblings, incredible parents, and wonderful extended family.  The week was full of events from watching my youngest sister at gymnastics, to getting my hair done by my other sister, to shopping, to watching movies, and (always, always, always) enjoying lots of laughter and LOUDNESS in the Kampfe household!

 The Sweetie-Pea & Me


Hair before and after, thanks, Lola!

 Lola & Me


Madelyn & Me

Okay, now for our BIG NEWS.  Jeff and I will be moving (YES, AGAIN) to the Dallas area (specifically, Prosper/Frisco) because Jeff is the new High School Minister at the Prestonwood Baptist Church North Campus!! We are thrilled and humbled to be called back to a branch of Jeff's home church.  His official first Sunday is January 15th, and although we will miss our very dear friends in the Houston area, we are looking forward to this next phase of our life!  I am in Arlington this week with Jeff parents looking for a place:)  Prayers are appreciated as we move, start jobs, I look for a job, and we get settled.  Thanks, dear friends!



  1. Oh my goodness, Prestonwood is a fantastic church!! Congrats to Jeff! And you'll be back in my neck of the woods! :)

  2. Umm...I didn't see a picture of you and your wonderful Mom on this post! Oh - maybe that's because I didn't post any to FB. I'll get on that and expect a pic of us in your next post:) Love you!

  3. AHH! YAY!! OH my goodness...I cannot WAIT for you to get your wonderful self to Dallas!! Be friends?? Please!!
