Monday, May 28, 2012

Between a Mom & Daughter: Memorial Day & Memories

You know how certain things trigger certain memories? A smell, a song, a picture....or even a day.  Memorial Day is that for me.  It is a blessed holiday for us to remember those who have fought and died for our country, and to give thanks to those who are fighting for our freedom still.  However, for me, it reminds me of my "old" mom.  She served in the Air Force as a nurse, and I'll never forget some of the stories she told me, how she taught me to make a bed (I can't for the life of me make it any other way now!), and her military tombstone that lays at her grave.

I remember after my mom died I felt very alone, lost and confused.  I did not understand why God had chosen my mother to die instead of healing her on this earth. I certainly did not think God was in control because I was about to be a teenager and I had no mother...And then shortly afterwards my dad pulled me aside and asked my permission to ask someone on a date.  This someone was my new mother:) What many don't understand is that my old mom had been sick for 8 years, and at least a year of that time had been spent in a downstairs bedroom because she couldn't walk up the stairs.  My dad had mourned my mom for years.  When my dad asked if he could take Jennifer, our choir director from our church, out on a date, I told him that I wanted him to be happy and I knew my old mom had desired the same (she had told me this).  By that fall, my dad and new mom were engaged and January 8, 2000 they were married.

I find myself extremely blessed to have had two wonderful mothers.  A lot of people don't even get to experience one in a lifetime, and the Lord's plan for me was to have two.  I have learned so many valuable lessons from both of them.  From my old mom I learned the power of prayer, sentiment, and the gift of forgiveness.  From my new mom I have learned about grace, vulnerability and standing up for what is right even when receiving criticism from others.  Before we moved to Joplin, MO in 2004, my new mom knew that it would be difficult to leave the city where my old mom's body was.  She suggested the idea of a gravestone rubbing.  My brother, sister and I took wax paper and a crayon, and gently rubbed the impression of her gravestone onto the wax paper so we would have it wherever we were.  What a true blessing to remember that although her body was in the ground, her spirit is dwelling with Christ in Heaven!

Yesterday at church, I had one of those days where I missed my old mom.  I missed her laugh, I missed her demeanor, and I missed her air force stories.  However, now I DO understand why the Lord took my mother home, because I can't imagine my life without my new mom and siblings.  There were definitely the necessary adjustments that had to take place, but God has shown me His mercy through my adoption story with my mom and how He has done the same towards us.  This memorial day, I urge you, readers, to reflect, be thankful and remember what Christ has done for you.

Please don't forget to check out Mom's post today! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah. This is a lovely post about you, Sissy and Jennifer. It brought a tear to my eye.
